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Meeting Minutes April 20, 2013

April SWOBA meeting at Parky’s Farm, April 20, 2013

President Ray Babcock called the meeting to order at > Approximately 42 people were in attendance.

Treasurer Bob Pessler reported on the state of the treasury and noted that names had been dropped due to non-payment of dues.

Ray proposed that the group discuss ways to have a better year this year than last. What are the problems?

Two sources of support on line are : and

Results of survey among SWOBA members: 70 responded, with 197 hives going into winter and 104 living, about a 50% die off rate.

Major new pests: new kind of nosema which appears sooner in summer. Use of Fumagilin B may help, but may also kill good bacteria.

Beekeepers can send samples of dead bees into USDA in Maryland for free testing to determine presence of mites and diseases. Nosema appears to respond to freeing temps for a week.

Hive beetles, another new pest, due to warmer weather in northern areas. Must be physically controlled by manually crushing with hive tool or forceps. Beetles like to hide in dark areas and may be found on bottom board. Bees will control small populations. Use of hive traps may be helpful, especially if mineral oil is used instead of a food grade oil. Diatomaceous earth can be sprinkled around the boxes to prevent larva from migrating. Decreasing the size of hive opening may decrease opportunity for hive beetles to enter.

Another tip: replace brood foundation every three years to prevent buildup of pollutants in foundation wax and cells.

Meeting Minutes September 21, 2013

SWOBA Meeting Notes

September 21, 2013

The meeting was called to order by President Ray Babcock at 12:35 pm.

Approximately 55 people were in attendance.

President Ray welcomed new beekeepers and thanked the Boy Scouts for the use of their facility.

Treasurer Bob Pessler gave a treasurer’s report. Bert and Carol were thanked for their management of SWOBA fashion products.

Two appeals for help were made: Parky’s Farm on September 27 and 28 and the Zoo’s Tree Carnival on September 28.

Attendees were asked to introduce themselves and share any problems they had with bees this past season.

Honey harvests low for most. All should be feeding sugar water now. Hives should have 6 frames of brood to last the winter and ample honey stores. Ventilation is important.

Questions and advice:

1. Where to buy local queens? Ray investigating

2. How to protect frames from wax moths? Freezing for 24 hours, chemicals

3. Is it too late to treat for mites? A little late, but worth a try.

4. Where to look for hive beetles? They like dark places, look on bottom board, in crevices. They are more abundant in shady areas and near orchards. Traps are effective. Still learning about the latest infestations, which seem to be more than bees can manage.

5. Will one box of bees be enough to live through the winter? Try a nuc if population is low.

6. Why does my hive smell like old gym shoes? Goldenrod is blooming now.

Meeting dismissed to participate in hive demonstrations with Bob Pessler.

Sandra Murphy

October 30, 2013

Meeting Minutes November 8, 2013

SWOBA Meeting Notes

November 8, 2013

President Ray Babcock called the meeting to order at 6:37 pm, with 37 members in attendance.

Three new members would like mentors Ray invited present members to volunteer.

Burt Seiller was thanked for his efforts at making SWOBA wear available to members.

Bob Pessler gave a Treasurer’s report. Members unanimously agreed to the annual contribution of $200 to Bee School.

Tentative dates for next year: February 7, March 22 Bee School, April 26 Parky’s, June 28 Green Acres, September 27 Gorman, November 7. These dates and locations are subject to change and or confirmation.

Ray announced that Don Popp has bee equipment for sale.

Ray announced and showed a new website for the Southwest Ohio Beekeeping forum, a yahoo account which will allow members to share news and answer questions among one another. Ray encouraged everyone to sign up.

Seasonal Management

Optimal status of hives: feeding complete, ventilation system in place, mouse guards in place.

Some suggestions for moisture control: ventilation, not using plastic covers, newspapers on top of frames, straw or other material in a pillow case on top of hive.

Some suggestions for hive beetle control: stay away from orchards, position hives in sunny location, use diatomaceous earth (food grade from feed store, not pool variety), frequent inspection and smashing.

The business meeting was completed at 8:30 so members could examine inventions, supplies and other helps shared by others.


Sandra Murphy

November 17, 2013

SWOBA Meeting

February 6, 2015

President Ray Babcock called the meeting to order at 7:45. Approximately 76 people in attendance.

Bob Pessler gave the Treasurers Report and accepted renewals of memberships.

Thanks to Bert and Carol Seiler for managing the refreshments for a long time. They will still take care of retail bee items.

Ray Babcock:

Bee School is closed.

Kelley’s will deliver orders for a $2 charge at bee school.

Dennis Bird has a signup sheet for those wanting a mentor or being one.

Check for a chart of bees and their characteristics for your reference. Bob Pessler recommends Italian for beginners.

A list of suppliers is also on the website.

Mentors can give advice to beginners, also YouTube. A basic reference book is helpful, too.

Timing for ordering: a queen from an early order might not be mated and may be superceded in a month. (Bob Pessler)

Ray explained the difference between a nuc and a package.

Phil Hucke presented a slide show on local flowering trees that bees can use. Judy Hinterlong presented a show about bee friendly flowers and habits of bees gathering nectar.

Phil also showed his swarm hive trap that proved successful last year.

Ray gave advice about hive care in late winter: make sure bees have access to honey stores or candy. Check to see if the bees are active and moving in the hives. The covers can be lifted briefly for a check in sunny, calm, over 40 degree weather.

Meeting concluded with a raffle of donated items for beekeeping.

Sandra Murphy


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