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Speaker: Reed M. Johnson, PhD.

Date: 27 May 2021

Time: 7:30 PM (EST) (Eastern Standard Time – Cincinnati Time)

Topic: " What are Ohio honey bees foraging on in urban and rural landscapes?".

Fees: Free

Where: Online through Zoom (register here), you will receive an email the day of the event (or before that). If you did not receive an email, please check your spam folder.


Topic: " What are Ohio honey bees foraging on in urban and rural landscapes?".


Have you ever wondered where the bees are going when they leave your hive? Which plants are they visiting? In this talk I’ll share the work we’ve done identifying the plants that bees using microscopic and DNA pollen identification. I’ll also talk about using the honey bees’ famous “waggle dance” to determine where bees are foraging in urban and agricultural environments. Hopefully beekeepers can use this information to better evaluate the landscape around your bees and encourage planting and maintenance of bee forage.


BIO: Reed M. Johnson, PhD. Reed


got his start in research beekeeping while looking for a summer job in his

hometown, Missoula, Montana. He knocked on the door of a honey bee researcher

at the University of Montana, was offered employment, and was quickly drawn

into the world of bees and their biology. Reed went on to receive a Ph.D.

in Entomology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign working with

Dr. May Berenbaum where he was involved in the honey bee genome project. Reed

is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Entomology at The Ohio

State University in Wooster, Ohio where he teaches two courses: one on

beekeeping and the other on pesticide science. His research focuses on

determining how bees are exposed to pesticides and the effects that pesticides

have on the health of honey bees, with the larger goal of promoting bee health

in the context of modern agriculture.


Registration to become a SWOBA:

If you are a SWOBA member, 2021 dues are now payable. Please renew your membership for just $5 per year.

We presented many great speakers in 2020 and have more coming. If you are not a member and you would like to join us, you are welcome to join SWOBA.

Your membership will help us to continue providing these quality presentations.

Please, see below.

Registration is to become a SWOBA member, not for the event Go to JOIN SWOBA.


Thank you!

Yaser Almusawy


South Western Ohio Beekeepers Association (SWOBA)

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